
“Under such conditions, the option to decompose becomes attractive to certain components of a complex society… Irrigation systems go untended, bridges and roads are not kept up, and the frontier is not adequately defended.”


Sun Falls. Much rain -> high river -> falls turn into Rapids -> I want to try kayaking them but don’t because I really don’t want to capsize in one degree weather -> I start to wonder if I’m getting soft -> to compensate I go out to a bar and pick a fight with a guy in a Rush t-shirt -> I end up spending a a night in jail and have to attend re-education camp where they explain in excruciating detail the musical genius of Neal Peart. Damn rain!


“It struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature & which Shakespeare possessed so enormously—I mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason—Coleridge, for instance, would let go by a fine isolated verisimilitude caught from the Penetralium of mystery, from being incapable of remaining content with half knowledge.”


Rough week. Glad to see it coming to an end, but at the same time wish I could take a mulligan. These past few days I felt much of the bad and good of living in Toronto — the anonymity and commodification of human interaction that comes with any big city, mixed with Toronto’s own brand of coldness. And a wonderful slice of Toronto the good, in the form of lively and festive trick-or-treating with my daughter and friends, right in the heart of the city, with generous candy for the kids and mulled wine for the parents, the perfect beverage to sip as I dutifully followed the girls along, my own daughter’s movements easily tracked by the flashing lights embedded in her snake covered headdress.